Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Top Information Technology Newsletters

The Top Information Technology Newsletters The Top Information Technology Newsletters Whether you’re new to an industry or have decades of experience, it’s important to stay on top of tech news and trends. Here are several information technology newsletters that can help you stay informed. HN Digest A general tech newsletter with subscribers from Linkedin, Microsoft, and other top tech companies, that delivers top HackerNews stories. You can choose the number of stories they’ll include in each newsletter and the frequency of which they email you updates. Benedict’s Newsletter This newsletter focuses on technology, including information on mobile technology and wearables. It has around 100,000 subscribers. Benedict Evans is the curator and the co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz, a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley. Emails get sent out weekly and include any blog posts Benedict has written that week. The Fetch The Fetch, written by Kate Kendall, collects whats happening in the professional sphere including the best events, conferences, and tech meet-ups in your area. The weekly newsletter also has must-reads for business and tech news for technologists, creatives, and entrepreneurs. Center for Data Innovation The Center for Data Innovation offers a weekly newsletter that centers around data, public policy, and technology. Topics have included why the U.S. needs a strategy for AI or artificial intelligence, data innovation, the internet of things, and smart cities. TED TED talks are well known for their inspirational and innovative content. If you want to keep abreast of new talks when they’re released, subscribe to the TED newsletter, which you can receive daily or weekly. They also feature podcasts, videos, and interviews. Hacker Newsletter Hacker Newsletter, curated by Kale Davis, is a weekly newsletter of best articles on startups, technology, programming, and more. This newsletter has been featured by Smashing Magazine, MailChimp, and Entrepreneur. IT World You can sign up for six different newsletters containing technology-related content such as Computer World featuring mobile devices, computers, apps, business software, and Windows. Other newsletters include JavaWorld for programmers, CIO for managing technology and IT, and Network World for topics regarding cloud, storage, data, and the internet of things. Tech newsletters are a great way to get relevant information and updates compiled in a convenient daily or weekly package. And with technology becoming increasingly more important in todays society and the business world, these newsletters will help you stay out in front of the changing landscape.

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