Saturday, November 30, 2019

Job interview question and answer What are your new years resolutions

Job interview question and answer What are your new years resolutions Job interview question and answer What are your new years resolutions?Posted January 11, 2013, by Molly Wiltshire-Bridle If a question like this crops up, its safe to assume that your interviewer is interested in more than just your well-intentioned resolve to quit smoking and join the gym. More than likely, they are attempting to gauge your capacity to tischset achievable goals and recognise potential areas for self-improvement. If you havent already taken the time to identify some areas that could do with an overhaul or a fresh injection of enthusiasm, then now is the perfect opportunity. Whilst personal resolutions arent strictly off limits, its best to focus on a career-oriented response that clearly brings to light your drive and ambition. Your prospective employer is seeking a candidate who demonstrates initiative, determination and clarity of vision, so be sure to choose examples to this effect. If youre looking to inch your way higher up the corporate ladder, then you might mention your intention to take on more responsibility or expand upon your

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